Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Trivial Software Information

Progress can be seen at
This is not a complete product.  Press QWERTY keys for input handling.
facebook group
twitter feed 


USC's Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies is running a fantastic summer program to help startups.  Below are Trivial Software's responses for their survey, beginning with the last question, to best inform them on updates about our software.

If you are an interested user or fellow entrepreneur, you are welcome to contribute with your own feedback or participation as a user.

Please describe current progress or traction, include customers, users, mentors, revenue, or any indication of progress if applicable. 

Current Progress or Traction

- Progress can be seen at
This is not a complete product.  Press QWERTY keys for input handling.
- User stories have been created to form a minimal backlog.
- Some user stories have been completed, allowing for the aforementioned viewing.

Customers, Users

- A collection of personas (similar to that described in "The Inmates Are Running the Asylum") is being created, based on individuals expressly demanding the product.
- These individuals are waiting on minimally viable development.


Trivial Software does not have mentors at this time.  Guidance is being driven by experience in the video game industry and books like The Lean Startup.


Trivial Software does not currently accumulate any revenue.

Revenue from the service will begin once monetization is implemented in the service.  The current plan is to use Google Wallet for this purpose.

Any Indication Of Progress

This website will provide updates on the business end of the product.  

Our new twitter feed has been created for the purpose of updates to be consumed by interested parties.  
Our new Google+ page has been created for the purpose of interacting with our users, such that we can better refine personas, observe results from our development, and ask for user input.
Our new facebook group has been created also for the purpose of interacting with our users -- specifically those not using Google+ -- such that we can better refine personas, observe results from our development, and ask for user input.

At this time, we have no real following.  We invite you to check against this nonexistent following now that you've discovered this site, as it will validate or disprove any assumptions about interest in our product.  You, along with us, will also get to observe how these different mediums serve the organization and product.

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